How Many Hemp Mg’s For My Dog?
Dip your paw in around 0.25-0.5 mg/kg of hemp per pound of canine body weight and quantity per day.
Every few days, slowly increase the dose until you’ve achieved the desired effect. Super Important to maintain that level on a regular daily schedule. Over time, adjustments can be made, up or down, depending on the continued observed effectiveness. Daily is better than occasionally!
Usually in two weeks your pet will be able to take more hemp without any demonstrable side effects. For animals, the dosage must be adjusted to ensure that it will be effective. When in doubt, err on the side of under-dosing because you can always slowly increase the dose and monitor the effect.
Veterinarian Approved Hemp Dosing for Your Pets
There are two variables to be considered with regards to choosing the best hemp dosage starting point for your cat or dog – weight and the severity of the condition you are treating.
Bichi Life Pet Products have three different dosing tiers which are based off your pet’s weight:
Low Dose* – 0.5 mg x lb = Half daily dose. Give twice daily.
Our low dosage can be used for:
Minor aches and pains
Immune system support
Daily health and wellness
Minor skin conditions
Minor stress and anxiety
Digestive issues and nausea
Minor arthritis and joint inflammation
Old age
Medium Dose* – 1.25 mg x lb = Half daily dose. Give twice daily.
Our medium dosage can be used for:
Mild skin conditions
Heightened stress and Anxiety
Moderate arthritis and joint inflammation
Great for working dog recovery
High Dose* – 2.5 mg x lb = Half daily dose. Give twice daily.
Our high dosage is intended for:
Severe arthritis and joint inflammation
Chronic pain
Extreme nausea and vomiting
Tumors and cancer-related symptoms
Mobility Issues
Severe anxiety
Epileptic seizures
*For inflammation and pain management, administer dose every 8 hours for best results and optimal comfort.
*Administer a dose 30 minutes prior to high anxiety events such as fireworks, vet visits, car rides, leaving home, thunderstorms etc.